Hospital Stays Blog - Tips, News and Accommodation Reviews


May 2024

Financial Planning for Doctors: 7 Tips When Preparing to Buy Your First Home

Published in Tips on May 30, 2024

Being a registered healthcare worker as a doctor can be a challenging and mentally taxing job. So, the last thing you will want to deal with is added stresses in your life such as buying your first home. For this reason, it is within your interests to make sure you are fully prepared when the time is right for you to enter the property market. But how do you do that? H...

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May 2024

Top 10 Examples of Hotel Accessibility and Inclusivity in 2023

Published in General on May 29, 2024

Today, hospitality is more than providing a comfortable bed and a warm welcome. Hotels are evolving to meet the diverse needs of travellers and are aware that accessibility and inclusion are key elements of exceptional service. This article explores how hotels embrace inclusion and accessibility. Real examples underline their commitment to making every guest feel valued and wel...

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May 2024

What Should You Do After A Botox Treatment?

Published in General on May 08, 2024

The decision to undergo a Botox treatment marks a significant step in one's journey towards rejuvenation and self-care. Whether it's to soften fine lines, minimize wrinkles, or address certain medical conditions, Botox has become a popular cosmetic procedure worldwide. However, the success and longevity of the treatment depend not only on the injection process itself bu...

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Apr 2024

How To Help Someone In A Health Crisis: 5 Practical Tips

Published in Tips on April 25, 2024

Injuries can happen at any time, whether you’re at work, at home, or out in the city. They could be as simple as a cut or heat exhaustion or more serious, like a bone fracture. Injuries can also happen when people panic during an existing emergency. Sprains, bruises, grazes, and other dings can happen when you’re rushing to and fro, so it’s important you kn...

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Apr 2024

How to Ensure the Safe Shipment of Medical Supplies?

Published in General on April 11, 2024

In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, the safe and timely delivery of medical supplies plays a critical role in ensuring that healthcare facilities can provide the best possible care to their patients. From life-saving medications and vaccines to essential surgical instruments and diagnostic equipment, each item must be handled with the utmost care throughout the shipmen...

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Apr 2024

Understanding How Hand & Arm Surgeries Work: A Full Guide

Published in General on April 08, 2024

This blog is designed to demystify the process, outcomes, and recovery associated with hand and arm surgical procedures. Understanding what to expect can significantly ease the decision-making process, whether you're considering surgery due to an injury, chronic condition, or cosmetic reasons. From intricate procedures that address carpal tunnel syndrome to complex reconstr...

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Mar 2024

Ipswich Hospital Expansion Project Approaches Completion

Published in News on March 25, 2024

Stage 1 of the expansion is nearing its final stages, with the former mental health building demolished and detailed designs for Stage 2 currently in progress. Early preparations for Stage 2 are scheduled to commence in April, paving the way for the primary construction phase later this year. Completion of the project is anticipated by late 2027. This initiative is a key...

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Mar 2024

Hospitals represent a significant challenge within the private healthcare sector

Published in News on March 22, 2024

The yearly reset of private health insurance premiums follows a familiar pattern. The federal health minister typically announces measures aimed at pressuring private health insurers. Meanwhile, insurers emphasize their efforts to limit premium increases for their customers. Unfortunately, it's often the ordinary families who end up bearing the brunt of the latest premiu...

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Mar 2024

HealthCo reports that private hospital values have surged by over 15% in a span of nine months.

Published in News on March 20, 2024

Despite the broader decline in commercial property values, private hospitals have experienced a remarkable increase of over 15% between March and December. This information comes from ASX-listed HealthCo Healthcare & Wellness REIT, the largest owner of healthcare property in the country. The REIT recorded a net valuation gain of approximately $200 million in a portfolio com...

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Mar 2024

Hospital funding changes a welcome start as system struggles

Published in News on March 19, 2024

This week, we greeted the National Cabinet's announcement regarding alterations to public hospital funding and a significant investment in primary care with enthusiasm. These developments come in response to our ongoing advocacy for reforms in public hospital funding and measures to tackle the crisis in primary care. Following the National Cabinet meeting, the Prime Mini...

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